in the city

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3-20-02 // 6.09 pm

this is the story of how we begin to remember

NP: Paul Simon - "Graceland"

Right now I am tired and I am a bit irritable. I sat through far too much traffic on the drive home tonight. Work is absolutely insane -- can you believe I was in a meeting this afternoon that lasted two hours? There's just far too much to do there, and it seems like everyone's also asking for something extra to be done. Ugh. But yeah, whatever, I'm home now, the day is over. Time to chill out.

I got a speeding ticket last night coming home from Erin's. Cop said he clocked me doing 69 in a 55 zone. I admit I was speeding, but I swear I wasn't going much more than like 63. So yeah, now I have to pay a 75 buck fine. Which sucks, but not as badly as the fact that the trooper took my driver's license -- according to the the envelope accompanying the ticket, I can't get the license back until 10 working days after the incident. What the fuck? I mean, I can still drive using the ticket as my license, but now I don't have a valid photo ID! It's just a total pain in the ass, now they won't believe I'm 21 if I go to buy a beer (well, not at the pub, they don't card me there 'cause they know who I am), and it makes dealing with my bank a hassle. Thankfully the one teller lady at the Carlyle Ave. branch recognizes me and takes care of my transactions anyway. But yeah...grrr. To the nth degree.

Things with Erin continue to go so incredibly well. I mean, I sit there at work, in a boring meeting, and my mind wanders. It wanders to thoughts of her. I wish it was last night or later in the day so I'd be there with her. I think of everything she says and does, I think of the way she feels when I hold her in my arms, and I smile...and it's so good. I didn't think anything could feel that good. Oh, and for what it's worth, I think this is a great time to relax and let things happen. That other thing you were talking about, that's not going to happen. Not on my watch.

I met Julie last night. And she was super cool. Seriously, I wish she didn't have to just pick up and leave the next day, it'd have been cool for us all to get to hang out a bit more.

Ryan's going to come by here in an hour or so. I have no idea what we're doing, but it's all good. Now I think it's phone time. Adios muchachos.

then / now