in the city

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3-22-02 // 11.45 am

there's no food in your food

This is basically a non-day as far as doing work at work goes. There's just nothing going on. Half the people in the office aren't even around. Loads of other people are taking the afternoon off. Meanwhile, I've just been informed that I have to sit in on this readiness review meeting (at 3 o'clock on a Friday afternoon, natch) so I can "get a feel" for the one that I have to take my code through next week. Yeah, it's a good idea for me to be there...but it's Friday afternoon. But until then, it's just more sit around and pretend that I have something to occupy my time. Ugh.

Is there a such thing as a cat psychologist? I mean, I know they have these ultra-trendy people who attempt to tell you "what's troubling your dog's mind". But do they have ones that specialize in cats? Seems like a cat wouldn't need psychotherapy anyway...well, it might but it'd refuse. A cat is like a rich, powerful, drugged-out-of-his-gourd movie star. Refuses to listen to anyone. OK, I'm pretty sure none of that made sense but oh well.

I heard the weirdest song on the radio on the way to work this morning. It was kind of disco, kind of indie, kind of all mid-'80s synthesizer power chords...just really wacked out. Turned out be something called "One Night in Bangkok" by some guy I'd never heard of called Murray Head. The lyrics seemed to be half about going to a chess tournament in Thailand, half about having a toursity good time in the aforementioned country. Hell, just go look at the words yourself.

There are people in my office who eat microwave popcorn for lunch. Since when is that a lunch menu item? I mean, I don't care what people eat, but I've just never heard of that before. Seems like it wouldn't be filling or satisfying as a meal.

Weekend is coming. I'm looking forward to sleeping in, hanging out, and seeing Erin. Last night was great. We drove around for ages, trying to decide where to get some dinner. Took ages, but I really didn't care...I think we have some of our most interesting conversations whilst driving. We ended up at an IHOP...sat there for quite a while after eating just talking. Sometimes I think I don't say enough in our conversations, but I just genuinely love listening to her...she always says intelligent things, insightful things, incredibly funny things. Occasionally she'd let her hair fall over across her face -- she'd peer out at me from behind, not saying a word, and it was just incredibly sexy. I mean, totally "turn my insides to mush" type sexy. Watched "Say Anything" afterwards, which is of course, a fantastic flick. Though we both agreed that the ending is a bit of a cop out. I mean, it's a sweet way to end things, but it seems like there should be more resolution. But whatever.

It's going to be lunch time here soon...right? It has to be. I need something to break up this day.

then / now