in the city

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3-23-02 // 3.39 pm

kiss me slow and softly make me dream of you

NP: Ryan Adams - "Gold"

Didn't get as much sleep as I'd have liked to last in late and then had to get up to do a bunch of stuff for my dad. Had to run to the seed house and get seed for my grandpa, as well as fertilizer for the lawn here at home. Then I had to spread said fertilizer. I also had to assist with the moving of this big shed...they were bringing it from my uncle's house to our backyard. So yeah...the morning was busy. Inside the house was a bit insane as well since my mom is preparing to have my grandparents over for dinner in a little bit. So yeah, it's been like a hurricane around here today. Not my preferred Saturday mood, but whatever.

People are coming over here in like 45 minutes, I still have to get changed and all that -- I just got in from running a bunch of errands (needed new jeans, new tennis shoes, etc). Though Erin's coming by a few hours into the dinner and then we're escaping. Disco bowling is later this evening -- everyone I invited had better show up.

Speaking of Erin, things are just so good. I mean, things just seem so stable, so good, so right. I was telling someone the other day that I don't think I've ever felt something this right. I adore the way she accepts and even enjoys my imperfections, my inexperience, my occasional ineptitude. It's wonderful that I can be myself around her. All of the time. Because a lot of the time, people don't get all of me. I can be guilty of holding back...'cause let's be honest, I'm not your garden variety human being. I can be odd, geeky, silly, etc. But with Erin, what she gets is all of me, everything I am. And yeah it's only been three weeks, but we've spent so much time together, and we've shared so much (both in person and via being able to read the whole backstory in these here diaries) just feels so different (in the best way possible) from any other three weeks I've had with anyone else. In short, she's amazing, she's beautiful, I want to be with her night and day. She's in my dreams.

Now I have to go shave and get changed...people will be here soon. Though one eye will be continuously on the clock, waiting for 7 to get here.

then / now