in the city

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3-29-02 // 4.22 pm

I will collect them all for you in butterfly jars

I feel bad, I think I've been kind of cranky and short with people the last day and a half. I hate when I get like this... It's not intentional or anything. But it's just been such a long week. There's been so much to do at work, I'm just mentally exhausted. But yeah, it's almost the weekend now. A few more minutes and I can get out of here for a few days.

Erin's coming over tonight. I was trying to get Ryan, or Adam and Robyn to come out with us, but it's impossible to get a hold of any of them. But in any case, I'll be with Erin. Which is where I want to be, and that's all that matters, really.

I know this is a terrible entry but my mind isn't really in an entry writing mode at the moment. I'll be back to normal soon, I promise.

then / now