in the city

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3-30-02 // 11.20 am

I came just as fast as I could through the dirty air of your neighbourhood

NP: Marillion - "Anoraknophobia"

Went out last night with Erin and her friend Teresa. It was nice to finally meet her in person, as we've talked a bit on IM before. Anyway, we ended up meeting Adam and Robyn for dinner. Erin was such a sweetheart, putting up with a restaurant she doesn't like and company who were, frankly, a bit rude. See, normally just Adam and Robyn are great. They're two of my favorite people. Though this guy Darren who Adam hangs out with sort of invited himself along at the last minute. Adam + Robyn = fine. Adam + anyone else male besides me = talks about paintball, cars, or video games all night. And that's what happened. Not that I have anything against Darren, he's a good guy, but still. Robyn still talked to us and was really nice, but I dunno...the conversation was sort of split in half the whole night. That bit of the evening didn't quite turn out how I wanted it to.

Went to try to play pool but that didn't quite turn out, either. Brenden's was jam packed, and Teachers had some jackass checking IDs for over-18s. Teresa didn't have her ID, so we couldn't get in. No worries though, we went to Denny's instead, drank coffee and talked. Yet another reason I love Erin so much -- she'll put up with the tired, glazed-eyes, kind of "out there" end of the week, fatigued me.

She's just so...amazing. You know how physically, some people just feel right when you touch them? That's how she feels when I put my arm around her, when we kiss, or when she puts her head on my shoulder.

I just love her. So very much. When I'm not with her, I want to be with her. When I am with her, I never want to let her go. The way she smiles, the way she sighs when she's tired, the way her eyes shimmer and change color, the way her hair frames her face. She understands me. Which really, I'm not sure has ever happened before.

I love her.

It's the weekend now and I couldn't be happier. Meeting Erin and her mom for lunch here in a bit, then Erin and I are going to spend the afternoon together. Going out with Ryan tonight, at least that's the plan. Poor Erin will be stuck at some all-night church thing with her family. But yeah, it's Saturday, it's warm out, it feels like spring.

It's going to be a great day.

then / now