in the city

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4-1-02 // 9.23 am

you don't need money to be rich anyhow

I don't start drinking coffee 'til I get to the office for one reason. If I had coffee on a weekday before I left the house, I don't think I'd have any incentive left to walk out the door. This way, the cup of coffee is the cheese at the end of the maze that is my morning commute. I can visualize it brewing as I drive, sitting there waiting for me, in all its sludgy, bitter glory.

Easter yesterday. It was predictably busy, what with the getting ready in the morning and rushing around to various family things in the afternoon. Luckily, I was able to escape around 2.30 to go see Erin. Her family was supposed to be having a barbecue, but by the time I got there, they'd changed plans and decided to go to some Italian restaurant instead. So I took Erin to Forest Park, thought we'd fly her kite (there was finally a bit of a breeze) and take some pictures with the disposable camera I'd bought. Though, with it being Easter and all, the park was swarming with people (something I'd totally not thought of). So we didn't do that. But we compensated by playing Super Mario Bros. 3, eating Easter candy, flying the kite at a smaller neighborhood park, going to Steak n Shake, and watching a movie. Turned out to be a beautiful day. It was a great weekend, actually.

Erin is beautiful. Completely, fantastically beautiful. I miss her when I sit here at work...I look forward to her emails or lunch hour phone calls. I think about her when I'm stuck in endless meetings. I'm thinking about her right now. My entire work day leads up to the evening when I can see her again. I love her.

Back to work today...ugh. I need another cup of coffee.

then / now