in the city

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4-4-01 // 1.06 pm

you and I had to be the standing joke of the year

NP: David Gray - "White Ladder"

This morning, I woke up a half hour early. I took a shower to try to wash away the anxious night I'd had. As I left my flat & walked towards campus, the sky continued to grow darker. About halfway to my destination, streetlights started to come on. I could see the lights that were on in every window I passed. It was like the sun was setting instead of rising. I got to the building as splattering drops of rain occasionally fell on my head. I got inside, sat down in the atrium -- and then the clouds opened up.

So I took the Database exam, and I think I did well. I had that feeling as I finished that, yeah, I did know this material. There were the willfully obscure questions that the professor is prone to putting on his tests, but for the most part, I knew my shit. Now I just have to make it through the rest of the week -- there's only some programming left to do now.

I'm still dead tired, I have not gotten more than 5 or 5 1/2 hours of sleep any night this week so far. I haven't even had time to shave since Sunday. I look frazzled & kind of crazy.

Sadly, my little midday break is now over, so I have to rush on over to the math building, and then to work. There's still lots to be done today -- and the schedule waits for no man. Not even me.

then / now