in the city

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4-4-02 // 1.52 am

beyond belief

NP: Elvis Costello - "Imperial Bedroom"

That 35 mile drive home is a bitch at one in the morning. Seems like the minutes just drag on forever. But you know, I don't care. Not in the least. 'Cause being out with Erin is totally worth it. All of the time.

I'm currently dead tired, though I also drank enough coffee at Steak n Shake earlier to put me in that "not really ready for bed" sort of mood. Wish I didn't have to be up so early in the morning. Hrm.

Anyway, tonight was great. Anoraks and slurpees, Fitz's and conversations. She even endured a trip to Vintage Vinyl...always an eye-rolling experience for people accompanying me. She had the patience of a saint waiting for me to shuffle through the entire A-Z vinyl racks.

I can be really dense sometimes. I get defensive on occasion. I can be a huge geek. I dunno, I'm just a very faulty person. But Erin, she accepts that. I just think about her, about this relationship and how it's progressing...and when it comes down to it, everything is exactly where I'd like it to be. I wouldn't change a thing.

I love her so much.

I'm really looking forward to our little mini-break coming up here in a week and change. It'll be great to just relax, me and her, no distractions.

Yeah...I should totally not be writing an entry when I'm this loopy. But here we are...

Tomorrow is a half day at work -- early escape and some extra time with Erin, for which I can't wait. But for now, I need sleep.

then / now