in the city

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4-11-01 // 11.28 am

we get the bees that we deserve

Bees. The weather is warm and bees are everywhere, swarming aimlessly around my apartment block. Every time I walk out the door, I have to do some careful maneuvering to insure that I'm not stung. It's weird, no matter where I live in this town, insects follow. Back in my dorm days, it was ladybugs. Masses of ladybugs, forcing their way through the small tears in my window screen and into my room. Now, here in the apartment, it's bees. At least they stay outside.

I'm really exhausted at the moment. Not so much because I've been overly busy this week, but more because I'm naturally a night owl, and I just never seem to make it to bed before 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. The rest of the world needs to get in time with my internal clock.

I need to buy a new belt.

Now, since I'm starving, I'm going to go make an omelet. Yum.

Malkovich, Malkovich.

then / now