in the city

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4-15-02 // 3.04 pm

all I want is your fortress of tears to crumble

This entry is like a royal command performance.

It's warm outside. Almost hot. It feels like June instead of April. Which is fine, really, I don't want to go back to cold wind and ice on my windshield every morning. It's actually kind of great...even though I wish I was outside at play instead of stuck inside at work, at least I miss the hottest part of the day this way. The evenings are getting to that point where it's absolutey spectacular out once you start hitting dusk.

There's a lot of yelling going on today in the office. Someone at another location is messing with a bunch of servers, and it's making a lot of people very irritable, shouty, and loud. Yeah, because yelling (not calling or emailing mind you, just random yelling at nobody in particular) at the guy halfway across the country is going to do a lot of good.

I'm kind of tired today. Not really, but just enough to notice it. I managed to get seven hours of sleep last night, though I suppose my body would've liked a bit more. Oh well. A funny moment -- I almost fell asleep during a meeting an hour or so ago. It was the combination of boring conference call and post-lunch drowsiness that did it, I think.

I miss Erin so much right now. I know it's only been a day since I last saw her, but yeah. I miss her the moment she leaves. It just feels right when she's with me, and it feels like something is missing when she's gone. Going to see her tonight, though, so it's all good. I count the minutes 'til I start my drive to the city. I count the miles when I'm on the road.

Things are good in my life, you know? Just overall, it's all very right. I think sometimes I really don't take the time to step back, to survey. But I should, because if I did, I'd realize that I'm probably the luckiest man on earth.

I love Erin.

then / now