in the city

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4-17-04 // 10.06 am

burnt up like pepsi did michael

NP: Kanye West - "The College Dropout"

What the hell? Last week it was freezing cold and today it's hot as the middle of June. Gotta love springtime.

Loud ass kids in the courtyard at the moment. I think their mother just sends them out of the apartment 'cause they're being obnoxious in there. So wonderfully, I get to listen to them scream and bellow just underneath my living room window.

The apartment is currently also awash with the clatter of fighting cats. They hiss and growl and gallop up & down the hallway and crash into things.

I just got back from a long walk. A few of the things I saw along my way: a guy with like three cell phones clipped to his belt playing the Claw machine at the supermarket; a three-legged dog.

I'm heading down to Cape G in a couple of hours. Erin and I are going to get Einstein Bros. bagels before I leave.

Alright, time for a shower. I'm all sweaty and disgusting.

then / now