in the city

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4-23-01 // 10.42 am

all durham and northumberland is measured up by my own hand

NP: Mark Knopfler - "Sailing to Philadelphia"

Because she told me to, I will write about koi. So these koi, they're like gigantic mutant goldfish, right? At the St. Louis Botanical Gardens, there's a Japanese section, and in it they have a big pond full of carp and koi. And you can buy food for them from this little vending machine. Throw a handful of the pellets in the water, and dozens of these shiny fish bubble up from the deep and fight for the little bits of food. They're not too smart, however, as if you spit in the water, they do the exact same thing.

Oh, and I'm pretty fed up with Sara at the moment. Good thing I left that note for her saying "call me tonight" so she could then not call me. This is, by my count, the 10 trillionth time this has happened. Why do I bother with her? Oh yeah...she's really hot.

then / now