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4-26-04 // 1.04 pm

please don't fit me for that orange jumpsuit

NP: The Mountain Goats - "We Shall All Be Healed"

I think that I like this. I've always meant to check 'em out and now I have. It's almost a little too bare, and the singer can be a bit too nasal/spazzy in places. But songs like Your Belgian Things are great, there's a bit more to the arrangements. I mean, I like "just a guy and a half-assed acoustic guitar" as much as the next person, but sometimes I need more.

Having a decent day today, just taking care of some random administrative tasks before I dive head first into the new project I'm assigned to. Oh, and there's a chance that I'll soon be switching roles at work. They've been badgering me for months to move over to the test department (for various reasons they've been hemorrhaging people), and for the most part I've been kind of uninterested. I'd rather write code, do the testing that we do before we turn it over to the test dept., and keep learning in the area I'm in. But anyway, this time they're sort of compromising, saying that I'd pretty much half the time work on test stuff and the other half of the time get to do test automation stuff, which is rather cool and more along the programming and engineering lines that I'm primarily interested in. So yeah...I told 'em I'd take a few days to think over it all, but I think I'm gonna tell them yes. I'd rather stay in my comfort zone, I'd rather keep doing what I'm doing, I know that I like what I'm doing now. But at the same time, new opportunity and new experience is always good. Sometimes you just have to go for it, you know? Though it does kind of stink, I'd probably end up back underneath my old manager, I never really liked his style. But oh well, I shall give it a go.

Yesterday was my birthday, I turned 24. Birthdays at this point in life don't really mean much to me. I mean, it's nice to celebrate them and I have a good time doing so, but there's really no associated social meaning anymore. In any case, it was a cool day. Went to my parents' house in the late morning for a brunch sort of thing; came back home, drove down near the Loop, had a nice walk up to Vintage Vinyl and got a couple of albums (the NP selection, as well as The Stills' "Logic Will Break Your Heart", more thoughts on that one at some point I'm sure) & walked back. Weather was utterly gorgeous, sort of cool with big chunky clouds...defnitely beat the monsoon we had on Saturday. Later on in the evening Erin and I met up with Andy and Liz and went to the Mongolian BBQ place, then came back and watched loads of cable. Erin even baked me a chocolate/chocolate cake! She's the best in the business.

Oh, and to top the day off: the new UK chart was released & Marillion have this week's #7 single! Happy birthday to me. They even beat the new Franz Ferdinand single...ha! Number fucking seven! Radio 1 even played You're Gone and begrudgingly gave 'em a bit of respect. Never thought I'd see the day. Apparently the band are not going to get to perform on Top of the Pops this week (boo, hiss!) but they'll still get mentioned & a clip of the video shown, etc. All this is in addition to the fact that there's been tons of positive press, radio play (Radio 2, Radio 6), radio & print interviews, etc in the wake of the new album. It's like 1995 all over again or something. It just cracks me up, all of these bemused DJs and reviewers..."where have they been the past decade?" They didn't go anywhere, people just stopped giving 'em the time of day! Nice to see things swinging around in their favor for a change, they really do deserve it. OK, and enough of my going on about that.

This is only a three day week for me, hooray! Erin's friend Missy is getting married this Friday in Kansas City, so we're driving out on Thursday for that. Woo hoo!

Now it's back to actually doing work.

then / now