in the city

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4-28-04 // 10.59 am

don't be surprised when daylight comes

NP: iPod, jukebox stylee. (Radiohead - Lucky)

Took yesterday afternoon off & decided instead to come in Thursday morning before we leave for Kansas City. It was a beautiful day, cool breeze and some of the deepest, bluest skies I swear I've ever seen in my life. Hung out with Erin, took care of a ton of chores that needed doing. Took a long walk later on in the afternoon to return a shirt, only to discover that this location didn't carry that stock. Oh well, it was good exercise. Drove to another location, got the shirt exchanged, came home & did some laundry, and finally sat down on the couch with a beer, a magazine and baseball on TV. It was a really tiring day, now that I think about it.

(Doves - Here It Comes)

I accepted the new test department opportunity. To be honest, I've felt extremely reluctant to make the switch. It's not something I would have brought up on my own -- there are other types of jobs on this program I'd rather do more, and I've told my superiors this. But test is where they're desperate for people at the moment, so I figure I'll pitch in and get some new experience out of the deal. It doesn't mean, however, that I'm still not slightly anxious about failing in the new role or whatever. But I'm sure it'll all pass as I get acclimated and start learning/contributing. A shift from a relative comfort zone to something new always stresses me out a bit. And I still wish I could keep my current (soon to become 'old') cube...

(Marillion - Afraid Of Sunlight)

J.R. and Ryan S are coming by this evening for some cards and whatnot. I think we're also going to get a curry beforehand, too. Very exciting, it's been ages since I've had Indian from a restaurant. For the most part, lately I've just been cooking it at home.

(The Stills - Lola Stars & Stripes)

I like these guys, though perhaps not quite as much as I thought I would. The way I heard them described, I thought they might have a bit of a darker, slower Cure / The Church bent to 'em. But it's still good, wiry indie stuff that thankfully doesn't sound like the Strokes trying to be the Velvet Underground. I'm so tired of stuff like that. I was tired of it before it even got off the ground, actually.

Leaving tomorrow afternoon for KC, will return Saturday night. I'm looking forward to the little trip, despite the fact that it's been a lot of short-notice preparation and it'll effectively eat up this entire weekend after the fact that our last one was pretty much devoured, too. But it's cool.

then / now