in the city

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5-3-02 // 2.20 pm

give up your day job

Few things drag on longer than being stuck at work on a sunny Friday afternoon. Especially since I know that once I get out of here, I get to head home, grab my things, and pick up Erin for our mini-break. I'm so looking forward to's going to be an incredible weekend. I'm only leaving the hotel room when absolutely necessary, i.e. to get Cinco de Mayo Eve supplies or to pick up food if a place won't deliver.

We caught up with Ryan last night...he had a softball game and couldn't come out to dinner with us, but we caught up with him afterwards at a bar in my village. He was drunk when we arrived...I figured that would be the case since his brother was buying rounds. Anyway, Ryan was in a pretty good mood (which is better than the booze making him all depressed), all things considered. I really hope that somehow they work things out...I'm not sure that they're going to, though. Which makes me really sad.

I just noticed there's this thing coming out, it's like a Douglas Adams b-sides book, if that merging of media concepts makes any sense. I'm not so sure how I feel about it...apparently it contains assorted essays and letters of his, as well as 10 chapters of the book he was working on at the time of his death. I dunno, I'll probably buy it, but the whole thing will probably be creepy and a bit sad, sort of in the same way that the demo tapes are of the stuff John Lennon was working on before he was killed.

I need to stop by Tribout's after work to buy sombreros. Saturday night is Cinco de Mayo Eve, after all.

I know this entry isn't that great, but my brain isn't currently in much of a writing mode. It's an a wanting to get out of here, wanting to spend the weekend with Erin mode. So, yeah... I'm going to stand out on the side patio for a while. These flouresecent lights and gray fabric cube walls are driving me crazy. Less than two hours 'til I can get out of here for good and begin the weekend.

then / now