in the city

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5-10-02 // 1.31 am

everything is waves and stars, the universe is resting in my arms

It's always so difficult to say goodnight, but I think tonight was the hardest time to date. Oh god, I'd have done anything for her to be able to stay through the night.

This was perhaps the most perfect of countless perfect nights with her. Watching her drive away in her car, down my street to the turn where she's out of my field of vision, I just wanted the night to rewind, to be back at her standing at my door at the start of the evening.

I have to sleep now. Alone. Thankfully, I'm exhausted. Hopefully that'll minimize the shifting around and groaning when I realize half of the bed is empty.

No, I don't mean to be depressing. I just miss her more than I can explain.

then / now