in the city

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5-11-01 // 1.54 pm

what keeps mankind alive?

NP: Pet Shop Boys - "Alternative"

So today is the first of my days off. I got lots of sleep & only woke up a couple of hours ago. I'm dressed as only a man with no-one to impress and nowhere to go can. (plaid shorts & Primal Scream t-shirt) Aside from a short jaunt to the post office, I've just been sitting around my place. I've read Q (big articles on Stereo MCs, R.E.M. & Orbital!), ate spaghetti, and watched "Men Behaving Badly" (the UK version) on BBC. If plans hold, I'm supposed to be going to the pub with Steve later on. I wouldn't mind that one bit. Otherwise, I am lazy. But hey, it's about time I got the chance to be.

Going up to my parents' place for the summer starting tomorrow evening. Summer work beckons...I assume they will have plenty of software for me to engineer. But as long as I get that check every week, it's all good. I can't wait to have money again.

I need to begin the monumental task of packing up my CD collection for the move. But I really don't want to do that today. I will do it tomorrow, even though by then I'll wish I'd done it yesterday.

then / now