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5-12-01 // 12.29 pm

your dreams are alcohol inspired

NP: Crowded House - "Woodface"

Douglas Adams died Friday morning. I just got the news this morning when I woke up. I'm in mourning...seriously. I first picked up one of his books more than ten years ago, and all his stuff: the "Hitchhiker's Guide" series, the "Dirk Gently" novels, "Last Chance to See"...all of that's meant so much to me. He was so witty and hilarious in the most subtle ways imaginable. So long & thanks for all the fish, indeed.

I was up 'til past 3am last night. I was packing (which is all done now), writing crazy emails, and also writing in my notebook. If I didn't have things to to do today, I'd have probably stayed up until the dawn. Which is something I never do.

So I have this barbecue to go to shortly. Then once that's over, it's time to put the packed stuff into my car & then drive it all up to my parents' place. I'll be glad when it's all done. At least the weather's nice.

Now I have to jump in the shower and get moving...otherwise I'll just sit here all day.

then / now