in the city

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5-15-02 // 11.02 am

the air moving in and out of your lungs

Work is doing this thing where I'll have a list of things to take care of every day, but some of them I can't take care of until the guy who's kind of my supervisor figures out some other things. So I'm mostly busy, but here and there I have these little 15 minute bits of down time. It's weird, but also helping me manage everything well.

I've drank a lot of coffee this morning. Not so much out of need, though...just 'cause it sounds good, I suppose.

After getting thoroughly rained out on Sunday, Erin and I took her cousin fishing yesterday evening. Despite the difficulty of tangled lines and broken reels, it was at least an interesting time. Her cousin caught the only fish, a little bluegill that he wanted to keep but that I took off the line and threw back into the water.

Sitting in the nearly deserted diner last night, with my arm around her and her head resting on my was so relaxing, so wonderful. It's moments like those which make nothing else in the world matter in the least.

Erin has a doctor appointment this afternoon to see if they can do anything about the headaches she gets. She seems stressed out and worried about how things will go...I don't blame her at all. I just wish there was something more I could do besides telling her that everything will be alright and being here for her. I want her to know that she can rely on me for anything. I love her.

I should probably get back to work now. Later, gators.

then / now