in the city

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5-16-02 // 12.06 pm

if I close my eyes I'll sleep for days

There's some sort of indoor barbecue going on here at work right now. It's kind of strange, the atmosphere is similar to those days in grade school, late in the year, where there'd be a carnival or picnic one afternoon, and class gets suspended for a while so everyone can go outside, eat junk, and not bother with the task at hand for a while. So yeah, people are all in casual dress today, and there's not a lot of work getting done at the moment. Which is actually a bit annoying, as I have things I'd like to finish up, but which are also sort of dependent on things other people are doing at the same time.

They gave Erin a painkiller/muscle relaxant at the doctor yesterday, so as a result she slept all afternoon and into the early evening. So I went over to see her...she was kind of out of it, but not really. We went out for curry, then came back and read through the Riverfront Times, making fun of the freakish personal ads. I stayed pretty late...I wish that I didn't have to leave at all, it was such an incredible evening -- equal parts wonderful conversation and holding her close.

Apparently Erin is still reacting kind of strangely to the relaxant...she stayed home from work today. I was actually kind of worried about her, she hadn't emailed or picked up her work phone all morning. Thankfully she was just at home sleeping.

Star Wars tonight, at least that's the plan. I want to see the Yoda fight scene...I always imagined him fighting using no weapons at all, just the force. I think in this flick he has a lightsaber, though... Oh well.

I know this was sort of a disjointed entry, but I'm kind of in a hurry. Time to get back to work, then. Ick.

then / now