in the city

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5-16-01 // 1.37 am

you've said the air was singing

NP: R.E.M. - "Reveal"

I'm pretty sure I'm one of like only ten people my age in the United States who didn't buy the new Weezer album today. I'm not really a fan, what can I say? However, today was R.E.M. and Depeche Mode day. I'm enjoying both LPs so far...the R.E.M. being more immediate, while the Depeche Mode is a bit of a grower. But still, it was a good day, music wise.

This morning I found out my grades for the semester I just finished. An "A", two "B"s, and a "C". A nice solid 3.0 semester GPA for some rather tough classes...I'm a happy camper. I worked my ass off the past 16 weeks, it's nice for the grade card to reflect that.

Robyn called this evening, which was great. She asked if since we're both off for a while longer, if I wanted to go with her to the Mississippi gulf coast to visit Adam for a while. So of course, I said yes. She was so excited on the phone -- I love hearing her so happy. So we're gonna leave Thursday morning and come back Sunday evening. It promises be tons of road trip/hangin' out/sun-drenched fun.

Oh, and the new diaryland 'corporate theme song' is nowhere as good as KPMG's. Diaryland, as much as I love it, doesn't really possess a vision of global stategy.

then / now