in the city

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5-22-04 // 10.32 pm

the best of christopher walken

Erin left late this morning for Alabama. She'll be back in a week, and while it's kind of nice and novel to have the house to myself for such a long stretch, I also miss her already.

Didn't do much today, otherwise. Vacuumed the apartment & watched the Cardinals game this afternoon. Listened to tunes (dug out old prog rock stuff -- blast from the past, maaaan!), talked to my mom on the phone, ate a big salad for dinner. Took a long walk earlier this evening once the sun retreated a bit, played around on the computer, etc. Now I'm just watching the tube and drinking a few bottles of Newcastle. It tastes especially good since I've been cutting way back on the beer for the past few weeks. I've actually lost like five pounds in three weeks, just through cutting out beer, eating better & continuing with my normal exercise routine. I feel really good, to be totally honest. Anyway, yeah...

Nick at Nite should not have original programming. That like totally negates the whole concept. Speaking of which, I've been addicted to "Roseanne" reruns for the past month or so.

A Jaguar ("Jag-u-ahhhr") dealership out in fancy-pants Manchester is using I'm In Love With My Car as ad music. It doesn't make me want to buy a Jag, but it does make me want to listen to "A Night at the Opera".

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