in the city

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5-23-02 // 3.10 pm

the names are changed but the constellations are still falling

I don't think we're going to Ohio after all. Erin never really wanted to make the trip in the first place (just thinking about it was making her tense), and we think we've found a way around it. So, yeah... We'll probably just have a long, relaxing weekend now. It doesn't really matter what we never does. As long as we're together.

According to an email I got, I've apparently been selected to attend a small luncheon with the president of the entire branch of the corporation. Which is weird and kind of creepy...I mean, why me? The invitation seems to have been sent out to a purely random assortement of people.

My phone just rang once...not even a full ring, just a half ring. Then it stopped. Hmm...kind of freaky.

Stayed home last night...didn't want to, but I'd have probably keeled over dead if I didn't get a proper night's rest. I missed Erin so much, though. I mean, seriously...all I wanted was to be able to put my arms around her, to be able to feel her closer than the phone call was allowing me to.

She does the sweetest, most thoughtful things for me. Constantly.

I can't wait to get out of here. Then it's the weekend...a wonderful long weekend. I can't wait to see her tonight...she's been on my mind all day today, almost to the point where I can't think about anything else. She's stunning. I can't take my eyes off her...I never want our conversations to end.

Come on evening, get here faster.

then / now