in the city

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5-28-02 // 8.42 am

the morning star that brings me here

I know I haven't written in days, but as Erin would say, I've been out being. Which is how it should be, really.

Back at work, though not willingly. Seriously, my body and my brain were kicking and screaming when the alarm went off this morning. Four days off was nice...extremely nice. That was the longest stretch of time off I've had since I started back at work like three and a half months ago.

This weekend was incredible. Barbecues, the Loop, and driving around in the car...sleeping on the couch on her back porch, riding the metro with my arm around her, rum & coke, sushi, and midnight makeup shopping expeditions.

Last night we came back to my house, we got a blanket, and laid on the grass in the backyard, watching the stars, the moon, and the strange cloud formations that kept creeping in and out. What we were staring up at seemed so infinite...looking down into her eyes I felt the exact same sensation.

Erin makes me smile. All of the time. She's intelligent and beautiful and eloquent and graceful... Sometimes I get speechless, and all I can do is look at her, smile, and drink in every amazing thing that she is.

Apartment things going on this week, hopefully. Fingers crossed that the place we're after is still open. It's going to be such an inviting, colorful space...I can't wait.

So, yeah... Grrr. I want it to be Thursday night again, I want to do everything again. I miss her. I know I'll see her again tonight, but sometimes the entire working day feels like an eternity.

Oh, and go check out this lyric. This is how I've been case you couldn't quite tell.

Now I have to go find coffee, I have to sit through meetings and do work-y, professional geek type things. Great...

then / now