in the city

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5-29-02 // 9.29 am

you make me feel, you make me see

NP: Francis Dunnery - "Let's Go Do What Happens"

It's a tie between Francis and Bernard Sumner for the award "coolest singing accent in indie music". Though, honestly, I think Francis wins by a nose.

It's gross, damp, humid, and hazy outside. I don't think the atmosphere can decide if it wants to be cloudy, sunny, rainy, or hot and dry. Either way, really...I'm inside and air conditioned.

I'm tired. Not horrifically so, but just enough. Though for some reason, I haven't had any coffee at all so far. But that might change here shortly.

Staying home tonight, resting up and all that. I know we're both tired (Erin especially so), but yeah... I never want to stay in, I want to go out and be with her. We always talk on the phone on nights where we stay in, and it's comforting, but I always want to just reach out and wrap my arms around her while we're talking. I miss being able to look her in the eyes or to hold her hand while talking with her.

My manager is out of town this week, and the interim manager (along with the two supervisors on my current project) are off playing golf with the customer or something today. So yeah...I'm taking care of my work, but I also have a bunch of CDs. I guess I can listen to music any day, really...though today is just optimal for it, nobody's going to keep coming by my desk and bothering me.

I just thought of something extremely funny that Erin said about the into to "Crazy is a Pitstop". I mean, this was weeks ago, when we were in Cape on mini-break. She has the best sense of humor...she's very witty. She's very everything, really. I mean, she's funny and she's sharp, she's intelligent and gorgeous and creative and completely fantastic in every way.

Oh, yesterday I had to attend a luncheon with the president of the company. It was excruciating. For one thing, he and his entourage showed up at the restaurant a half hour late. Once there, the president proceeded to sit down directly across from me. I basically had to make small talk off and on for an hour, and the rest of time just stare off at an interesting pattern on the tablecloth as the president jabbered on about "knowing the customer, heart and mind". That sounded vaguely and disturbingly sexual and I didn't want any part of it, so I just kept on staring at that pattern. Yeah, this job gets embarassingly corporate sometimes.

I'm escaping from work a few hours early tomorrow to head over and apply for the apartment Erin and I are after. Fingers crossed, eh? Oh, and tonight I'm telling my parents that I'm moving out of their place and into the new place with Erin. I don't envision me telling them going badly at all. Maybe a bit of, not shock, really, not even surprise. Because I get the feeling that they know this is coming. Plus they absolutely adore Erin. So yeah, I sense that they're going to be alright with it, because when it comes down to it, my parents are amazingly understanding people, especially when it counts.

Yeah, I'm going to need a cup of coffee after all. So I'm off, off in search of caffeine. Later, gators.

then / now