in the city

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6-4-02 // 10.50 am

quite clear, no doubt, somehow

We just had a fire drill. That's right, a fire drill. It was like grade school or something, we all had to assemble out in the parking lot, then one of the mangers lectured us for a while on how we're all supposed to use the back exit, etc.

Someone apparently brought chocolates in to work today that have like a half shot of liquor inside. People are biting into them and going "whoa", like Keanu Reeves or something. I'm waiting to see if my coworkers are going to be stumbling around come lunchtime. I just think it's funny...we can't wear jeans and tennis shoes all week, but people can bring in alcoholic chocolate and that doesn't breach corporate policy. Nah, don't mind's just all a bit baffling sometimes.

Waiting to hear back from the apartment people regarding whether or not the application was accepted. They said it could take up to 7 business days to process, but I can't imagine it'll actually take that long. We're just hoping to hear back soon, as it'd be great if we could move in this weekend. It'll be so great when there's no more waiting, no more having to drive home at one o'clock in the morning. I can't wait until goodnight just means wrapping my arms around her and falling asleep until the morning.

Last night was punctuated with these little pockets of amazingly cool, really perfect moments. Talking about Counting Crows and "August and Everything" after on the drive home from dinner. English lip gloss and apartment furnishings at Wal-Mart. Sitting around in White Castle, with the glare of the lights and the overwhelming whiteness of the encircling tiles coming into sharp contrast with the blue of her shirt, the dark blonde of her hair, the striking blue-gray of her eyes, the red of her lips. Playing video games on the back porch with her arms around me and her chin resting on my head. Laying on the couch with our arms wrapped around each other... That last one, in particular...there was a moment where it felt like we both were hugging as hard as we possibly could, and my head was resting on her chest...I always feel like it's so difficult to fully express with words how I feel about her -- I think in moments like that, it feels like an outward expression of every feeling for her inside me that I want her to see but can't put into words. That probably doesn't make any sense to anyone but me, but yeah...

I don't want to be at work today. I want to go home, lay on my bed, listen to music, take a nap. But there will be plenty of time for those things...I just have to be patient.

then / now