in the city

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6-17-02 // 8.53 am


I haven't been online (at least not for longer than five minutes at a time) for days...

Move went well. Took a while (two cars full of boxes and CDs, plus a rented U-Haul stuffed with furniture and everything else), but it's done. Erin still has a few things to bring over, plus we're still in the process of finding a kitchen table and another couch. The packing and the moving itself has all been stressful, and not much fun, but at the same time, it's perfect when we have down time and are able to enjoy the new's indecscribably wonderful having this place to call our own. To be able to fall asleep next to her, and to see her sleeping there next to me when I wake up. Cooking dinner, shopping, deciding where to set things up, hanging out, it's all just...wonderful. It just makes me happy. Being with her makes me happy.

Thursday afternoon, driving back over to the city, my old, junky car continued with its problems. The front, right wheel was squealing, plus the temperature light kept coming on at random intervals. So I managed to snag another day off work on Friday, took the car in to be looked at, and got a call back in the afternoon saying "I have bad news and even worse news". Turns out that (a) my brakes were shot, and (b) I had a ruptured head gasket or something. Either way, the engine was shot. Could've been repaired, but it wasn't worth it. So Friday and Saturday, I went and bought a new car, the one Erin and I had been looking at the past few weeks. So, yeah... My first new car. It's just a pleasure driving something that doesn't feel like it has tires made of boulders and is being held together with masking tape. Nah, this new one is a great car. I love the way it handles and the fact that I actually get gas mileage again. I mean, I'm not a car guy at all, but it's nice.

Apparently, since I was last at the office, they've switched me *back* to the project I was originally assigned to some months ago. I mean, work is work, but still.

Will return with more when the landlord fixes the phone jack in the study, or Wednesday when the cable modem gets hooked up. Whichever happens first.

then / now