in the city

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6-18-02 // 2.47 pm

we could run when the rain slows

NP: David Bowie - "Heathen"

Does it concern anyone else that David Bowie seemingly ages in reverse? Seriously, on the cover of his new album, he looks about as old as he did in 1985. Which is odd, considering circa 1995, he was starting to get a bit wrinkly and middle-aged looking. Hrm.

I was awoken this morning by the cat biting my toes. It was extremely weird and jarring, as I had been dreaming, and all the sudden I just felt this odd, disembodied pain. Little tiny fangs fit perfectly around toes, apparently...

Now that I'm living in the city, and since my job remains in Illinois, I've become one of the half-dozen people in the area who commute that way, rather than the other way around. So on my way over in the morning, and on my way home in the afternoon, I keep getting this visceral thrill in being able to continue on my way at full speed, while in the other direction, cars are backed up seemingly to infinity.

Steve and his wife are coming into town for the weekend. Her parents live in Florissant or something like that up in North county, and they're all apparently going to some sort of ice skating thing on Sunday. So while they're here, we're going to meet up on Saturday. I haven't seen Steve since my birthday (so a couple of months, then)'ll be great to hang out again. Now all I have to do is figure out where Jared's disappeared to lately...

Only a few more hours till I'll be out of here and back home. Thankfully. I can't wait to see Erin. Yeah, I kissed her goodbye at 7 o'clock this morning, but still... I want to hang around the kitchen, laughing, talking, and cooking dinner. I want to kiss her again, to tell her even more of the reasons why she's the most incredible person on the face of the earth.

Now I should probably go engineer some software. Ugh. I've come to the conclusion that mid-afternoons are only good for one thing -- taking naps. Maybe I can fashion a rudimentary cot underneath my cubicle desk...

then / now