in the city

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6-17-04 // 5.21 pm

sit on your hands for the new national anthem

I racked up the overtime Tuesday and today so I can show up late tomorrow. Nothing fun, sadly, I just have to pay my property taxes. Apparently you can do it online, but I don't trust the county for some reason. So I'm going to stop in 1960s office block hell Clayton and just pay the clerk in person. Maybe I will also stop and get a cup of coffee somewhere.

Met up with Steve at Tomatillo yesterday, which was cool. I know it currently sucks for him having to live with Sarah's parents while they apartment hunt and he job hunts, but it's awesome to have him in the area.

And now, looking at the clock, I am out of here. Nearly ten hours is enough for this man. Now I'm off to meet Ryan S at the Belleville Denny's. That place is like my spiritual home. That sounds really dumb, actually, but I don't care.

then / now