in the city

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6-20-02 // 10.20 am

the clock never stops, never stops, never waits

NP: Ben Folds - "Rockin' the Suburbs"

There's three meetings I have to attend today, which is a bit ridiculous. Management have no right to complain about "low productivity" or whatever they're always on about...just look at our schedules sometimes. It's tough to do work when things are always keeping you from your desk.

The first meeting this morning was some training thing on how to use this new online corporate travel reservation deal. It was boring. Plus, the presenter guy had the lights turned off. Which means, as I'm sure I've detailed in the past, it's all over for me. Thankfully it was dark, so I don't think anyone noticed me continually drifting off and then waking myself back up.

My top five songs about people working in offices:
- Ben Folds "Fred Jones, Part 2"
- Blur "Yuko and Hiro"
- Weird Al Yankovic "Dog Eat Dog"
- The Jam "Smithers-Jones"

Er...that's actually all I can think of at the moment. There have to be more, though.

The cable modem is now installed in our apartment, which hopefully means more regular correspondence and diary writing.

Ben Folds show tonight, Erin and I have been way psyched about this for weeks. Neil Hannon is once again the opening act, just like the last time I saw Folds a few months ago. Hopefully this time there'll be more than two people in the audience that know who he is. He didn't deserve to be ignored like he was in Carbondale. It's a shame this show is tonight and not over the weekend...that way Steve could join us.

Grr. I feel like there's more I want to say this morning but it's not coming out right. Some days words just feel more effortless than others. This is one of the "less" days.

Now I'm off to find another cup of coffee... Yes.

then / now