in the city

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6-21-04 // 4.19 pm

the aeroplane flies high

Had a great weekend, Saturday ate barbecue on the Loop with Erin for lunch before she was summoned away to work. I washed my car and went for a long walk in the afternoon, which at one point involved seeing a man on a motocycle take a turn too sharply and falling over. He wasn't hurt, but I did have to help him stand the bike back up so he could move on. Ryan H came up from Cape in the evening, I took 'em to Dunaway Books on south Grand and then over to the Black Thorn for a bite. Sunday we did father's day stuff -- BBQ at Erin's grandparents' place in the afternoon and then a minor league ballgame with my family in the evening. Nice day for both activities.

My flight for DC leaves in like three hours. I packed most of my bag last night so I'm ahead of the game on that. Erin will be home soon, at which point we'll have dinner and hang out for a bit before I have to head to the airport. Hopefully the trip and the training go smoothly. More when I return.

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