in the city

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6-27-04 // 11.20 am

flight 8547 to dulles international

[6-21-04, 8.15 pm or so]

Woman with baby that screams like a security alarm. Guy that locked himself in the airplane bathroom. Goodbye kiss is never enough. Man in front of me is talking to the locked-in-toilet guy about "the best way to cook a lobster".

Flying over cottonball clouds as the sunset falls -- the plane runs away from the day. Breaks in the clouds reveal glimpses of random nowheres and the lights of places that are somewhere to someone.

Recycled air dries me out, although I get nauseous without 'fresh' air moving over me. I read more of Theroux as he traverses the damned industrial holes of northwest England, twenty years past. He boards the ferry to Ulster as the plane crosses that line between dusk and night.

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