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6-25-03 // 4.02 pm

the stars of the '80s and the corporate ladies

NP: Spock's Beard - "V"

Entry #2 for the day.

It's a real shame that Neal Morse found religion. I mean, I wish him the best and all that, but it basically means he won't be making music anymore. Which is a shame, because regardless of whether he was recording progressive epics or singer/songwriter albums, he was a nice talent. I always loved the Beard for the weird yet fabulous amalgam of Yes, Gentle Giant, The Beatles, and Crosby Stills Nash & Young that they were. Morse's lyrics weren't the best, tending to veer between strange and vague (they obviously meant something to him, but were often presented in a system that only he could decipher) and affecting yet a bit simplistic. Still, he had a pleasant singing voice and was in possession of one hell of an ear for melody and arrangement.

Great article in the New York Times about the resurgence of Pabst Blue Ribbon. I wasn't aware that hipster adoption of the brand was becoming a national thing. I mostly just kept noticing students with thrift store clothing and messed-up hair drinking cans of the stuff in Loop bars. I'm not sure if the trend is part of some "white trash chic" thing (hence the stupid-ass mesh baseball hats?) or what, but come on, if you're going to be pretentious, at least do it with a better beer. Even for shitty cheap beer, Pabst blows. I dunno, it's all Greek to me. Oh, and there's also a similar phenomenon going on, at least locally, with Stag, a beer so bad that it's caused Ryan S to ponder if its slogan "Makes thirst a pleasure" refers to the fact that you'd be happier thirsty than drinking a can of Stag. Come on hipsters, drink better beer!

In a related note, some weeks ago I made good on my threat to buy a 12 pack of Old Style. Sadly, it wasn't very good. I'm not sure if it's just that it tastes better on draught, or if the addition of peanuts and Wrigley Field make it more palatable, but man, I won't be buying it packaged again.

Oh, and last night, after getting back from the eating and the shopping, and after finishing the rest of the household chores that needed doing, I sat down with a beer and an extra-inning Cards game, and somehow also ended up reading through a huge portion of this. I don't really keep up with the game and its associate culture anymore, I very rarely buy new cards, and I only play now and then when Ryan S and I get together, but I'm still fascinated by the associated oddities. You may find it amusing that for someone with so many geek interests, traits, and tendencies, I have zero interest in Dungeons & Dragons, or in role playing games in general.

There are currently far too many people swarming around the quasi-hallway outside my cube. That's just a general cause of annoyance, really.

What a dumb waste of a day this has been. Not on my part, and not on anyone's part really, but in waiting for this reload to happen, there's precious else to do. I've taken care of a few odds and ends, but for the most part, it's been a lot of nothing. Oh well, I'll make my daring escape soon enough...

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