in the city

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6-30-04 // 11.56 am

we're down and out, without a doubt

NP: Matt Good - "White Light Rock n Roll Review"

The trip to the DC area was fine, the work part of it was really productive and it was a good change of pace to be in a different office for a few days. The hotel was very comfortable and even provided a computer in the lobby with which I could check my email. Traffic in suburban northern Virginia was hellish, and after three days I was feeling quite bored and sick of sprawling suburbia. That night before I flew home I actually just got in my rental car and drove to DC and back. I didn't do much in the city itself, just drove around and took a few pictures while stopped in traffic. But still, it was welcome relief. I ate buffalo wings on the company dime while waiting for my flight on the way home.

It was good to be back home with Erin. The weekend was fun but incredibly busy. Hung out with Steve on Saturday afternoon, watched loads of Simpsons episodes, etc. Julie came from Mt. Vernon in the evening, she cut Erin's hair & then we headed down to the Loop for a bite to eat and to see a movie. Sunday was spent cleaning the apartment and preparing food in anticipation of both my family and Erin's family coming over for a barbecue. Nice to have everyone together, but it was a busy day.

Back to regular work this week, and it's busy but going by quickly, which is all I can ask for, really.

I found out that I got that job I interviewed for the other month, the one downtown St. Louis. I don't know terribly many details at the moment, just that I was selected and that they're putting in for the new clearance I need, but it's still cool. Hooray for better job security and for drastically cutting the distance I'll have to drive to get to work every morning. Hell, at the new place I can probably just take the train and not drive at all, which would be optimal. In any case, the new job probably won't start for nine months or so, but it's cool just knowing I don't have to worry about the future of the contract at my current job.

Too much job talk, I know, but I had to get it all out of the way considering most of last week was spent doing it or travelling for it.

I watched Canadian election returns the other night. For like an hour and a half. I'm not sure why.

The evenings lately have been perfect for long walks. I just put on my headphones and go. I'm trying to soak as much of it up as I can now, because I know that come December I'd be sorry if I didn't.

I was having an internal debate the other day about my goals for my vote in the presidental election in November. I want nothing more than an end to this GW Bush presidency. However, I don't think John Kerry is anything special, either, and I don't particularly feel that the Democratic Party anymore even represents liberal ideas like they should. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 and refuse to apologize for doing so. I kind of want to vote for him again here in 2004, although he's running such a haphazard campaign and got started too late. I also don't agree with his decision to eschew the Green Party nomination this time around -- I'm not a member of that party, and while I agree somewhat with their platform, it's suicide for Nader to go it alone this late in the game. He needs a party nomination to even have a chance this late. But I digress. My gut instinct is to vote Kerry in November, I want Bush out of office that badly that I would even begin to consider voting for a candiate I don't particularly care for. However, I believe I have a responsibility to myself and to the democratic process to vote my conscience, which means voting for a third party or independent candidate. As much as I want the current administration out, I feel it's even more important to preserve this ideal, even if it feels or sounds naive. There's little merit in choosing the least bad of your poor choices.

And with that, it's time to grab a quick bite of lunch and get back to work.

then / now