in the city

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7-10-02 // 10.31 am

I empty drawers of other summers

NP: Counting Crows - "Hard Candy"

I have a ton of work to do today, but I'm taking a quick breather to write an entry.

It's a gray, cloudy day out. Actually, it was sunny when I left the city early this morning. Hazy, too. That haze that obscures the skyscrapers on the downtown skyline. It's become a bit of a morning ritual for me, attempting to pick out the tops of all of the towers as I get closer to the city center. I'm glad that it's a bit more gray and a bit cooler right now, though. Summer weather is starting to burn me out. I get to the point sometimes when I just need a cloudy day. Every now and then, I need a thunderstorm. Note that I didn't say "want", I said "need". It's always felt like a need.

They've closed off two westbound lanes of the interstate I take on the final leg of my commute home. They did this without really mentioning it beforehand, so as a result, the highway was a parking lot yesterday evening. I'm talking 15 minutes to go 2/3 mile. I'm going to explore alternate routes home in the next few days. I'm certain none of them will be as fast as the one that's now blocked off normally is, but at least this way I'll be moving (albeit slowly) instead of just sitting on the pavement, baking in my car turned convection oven.

I talked on the phone with Erin a little while ago. Work has her feeling blue. The work doesn't challenge her, and her coworkers are petty and mean. Which is understandable, I mean, I've had crappy jobs before, too. I dunno...I just want to try to help her fix things, even though in this case there's not much I can do. I want to make things better, that's just my nature. Really, I just don't want her to be frustrated or sad. That gets me down. All I ever want is to see her smile, to hear her laugh. I want her to be happy.

Sorry to cut this short, but I must get back to work now. Later gators.

then / now