in the city

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7-15-01 // 8.46 pm

she nervously undressed in the dancing beams of the fidra lighthouse

NP: Marillion - "Clutching at Straws"

It's been an uneventful but incredibly relaxing weekend. For the first time in what feels like months, I spent the lion's share of two days just sitting around, listening to tons of albums & catching up on some reading. Met up with Adam & Robyn and saw a movie last night, too...that was nice.

I was out for a walk a little while ago. As I headed down the road that runs perpendicular to the street I live on, I noticed a strange red & white colored object off in the distance, where the soybean field hits the horizon. The thing was obscured by a tree, so it took until I hit the end of the road to notice that it was a huge hot air balloon! It must've been taking off from the park not too far away. As I walked on, I watched it rise above and eventually over me. I wished I had my camera with me, as it was an amazing sight as I stared right & white against the blue of the sky & the unusual patterns of cotton swab shaped clouds.

Otherwise, mais do mesmo...more of the same.

then / now