in the city

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7-17-01 // 8.15 pm

take my hand, I changed my mind again

NP: Pet Shop Boys - "Very"

I'm so sick of my commute to and from work. It's not that far of a distance, maybe 15 miles or so each way. But the congestion on the roads is just unbearable. The area's growing but the highway infrastructure's been a bit slow in catching up. The worst part is that my entire drive is now further delayed by this state-wide highway maintenance project that's found its way into my neck of the woods. So basically (and I'm not exaggerating here) all but maybe a mile of my trip is through heavy construction. I don't usually mind it as long as I keep moving, but so many times you just come to a complete stop. It's enough to put me in a bad mood before I even get to the office. Ugh. I can't wait to graduate & get a place closer to work.

Oh, and I also hate shopping at Wal-Mart. All I needed was a new set of rechargeable batteries and a pack of blank audio tapes...but I had to wait forever behind this woman who was apparently buying a VCR. And it took about 10 minutes for the register guy to find a proper price for it. Got out of there, maneuvered past the guy selling armed forces flags for charity, made it back to my car, and drove home through more choking traffic.

In other news, I'm getting pretty annoyed at people not calling when they say they will. Sometimes I feel like the last person on earth with a grasp on the basic tenets of common courtesy.

These days, more than anything, my heart feels confused. I go about my business, and I'm happy...I really can't complain about much. But even still, there's this near-constant yearning...I want someone. I need someone. I need love. But my brain & my heart just can't figure out how to make it all work out. Something's either wrong with me or the whole world's messed up. And the world's just too big to be completely I'm pretty sure it's me.

I just looked out the window and the sky's starting to turn a bit green...I think storms are approaching. I could do with some thunder & lightning at the moment.

then / now