in the city

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7-16-04 // 3.07 pm

the tango king

NP: Bruce Hornsby - "Harbor Lights"

A new guy at work brought free pie in this afternoon. Not bad, not bad. So I had a small slice of apple. I ate it at my desk as I worked, it was pretty tasty, although it seemed super tangy, almost tingly. As I finished the slice, my mouth and esophagus began to burn. I was really weirded out by it, I thought it was having some strage allergic reaction, despite having eaten many a slice of applie pie in my life. It wasn't until just a few minutes ago that I noticed a small sticker on the pie's discarded plastic wrapping that said "green chile apple pie". A-ha! So it wasn't just me, there were actually peppers in the pie. Ugh. Don't get me wrong, I love food as spicy as it comes most of the time. But pie should not have hot peppers in it.

Friday at long last. Planning on doing karaoke tonight with Steve, Sarah, Marc and Danielle. Hopefully they have some songs up my alley.

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