in the city

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7-21-01 // 4.32 pm

american life in the summertime

NP: Francis Dunnery - "Fearless"

Feeling a bit better today. Yesterday was not much a red letter day...felt tired, irritable, and ill from the moment I got up 'til the moment I went to bed. Couldn't shake a headache or this constant feeling in my stomach like indigestion. But a sound night's sleep later, and I'm on the upswing...even if the headache keeps coming back here & there.

I tell you what, it is damn hot outside. Had to mow the lawn today, so I went out at like 10.30 in an attempt to beat the heat of the day. Didn't make much difference though, as after 45 minutes of pushing the mower around, I was just drenched in sweat. The heat & humidity (not to mention the total lack of wind) out there is just stifling. So I've spent the rest of the day just hiding out indoors. Air conditioning is my friend. So it's currently clouding up outside in the typical midsummer heathaze-turning-to-thunderheads fashion. Nevertheless, I'm not going back out there unless I can hop from AC to AC.

Talked on the phone with Sarah K yesterday evening when I got home from the office, catching up & making plans for a visit when I head up to Chicago in a few weeks. Funny how enthusiasm is infectious...she turned a shitty day at work just barely getting by into an evening with a rare smile on my face.

then / now