in the city

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7-22-04 // 12.31 pm

falling through the door in a state

NP: Marillion - "Marbles"

Work work work. Somehow over the past month I've morphed into the guy in charge of testing this project. It's flattering that the chief tester and my manager think I'm up for it, but it's been kind of a lot to take in all at once, seeing as how this really is my very first testing assignment ever. So yes, most of this week has been spent in interminable review meetings and then making changes to documents based on those discussions. It sounds boring because it is.

I took a half day off Tuesday afternoon to head down to Cape with Marc and Steve. We met up with Ryan S, and Jared drove over from Carbondale. Basically, Jared is moving to Utah for a year to do the internship for his psychology doctorate. We probably won't see him for a while, so I tried to get everyone together before he went west. Thankfully it all worked out, even if it was on a Tuesday night and involved a 200 mile round trip drive. In any case, it was a great night -- dinner at Broussard's, chilling at the river, shooting some pool and having a few drinks, smoking the customary cigar at the riverside once the sun went down. I took a few pictures and everying was great. I didn't get home till like 12.30 in the morning, but it didn't matter.

I still don't have my car back from the body shop. I called on Wednesday and they said the body work was finished but that it was still in the queue to be painted. Hopefully it's now ready tomorrow like they claimed on the phone the other day.

Erin and I went out for dinner last night, and I ate a steak -- it just sounded good for some reason. I probably eat a steak every six months or a year, and once I have one I don't even think about 'em again until something in my brain clicks on and I think "mmm, steak". Weird.

Now it's time to track down a quick bite to eat. Sadly, it's far too hot and humid outside for a walk afterwards.

then / now