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7-24-04 // 6.17 pm

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NP: a "Best of Glastonbury" disc that came with a recent issue of Q. For some reason, 95% of the songs aren't live at Glastonbury at all, just studio version of favorite songs by favorite Glasto bands. It's strange, but hey, it's also free. However, I already own most of the music on the mix, but still.

My cold progresses. My throat continued to kill me all last night while we were downtown by the river for Liz Phair. I got some of this Chloraseptic gargle on the way home which did its job pretty well. As of the middle of this morning, I'd progressed to the 2nd phase of the cold-like thing, the blocked ears, sinus pain, stuffed nose, minor cough phase. I'm actually weathering it fairly well at this point, I can deal with this, it's the throat pain part that really does it to me. Regardless, I'm not at my best today.

So today is strangely cool and cloudy, kind of rainy. It feels like an early October Saturday instead of the middle of the hottest, most miserable time of the year. It's the kind of Saturday where college football is properly played. But hey, I'll take it, no complaints at all.

I think I forgot to mention that our household was selected to do Nielsen TV ratings stuff for a week. So we're currently keeping a log of our habits, which don't follow many patterns at all. We'll probably throw off their stats or something.

Erin's at work today so I met up with Steve this afternoon for some low impact activities. We just made the rounds of a few comic shops across the river in Belleville, not sure why Steve wanted to go to them but it was fine by me, high school stomping grounds and whatnot. No plans for tonight, really, the cold is making me sort of drowsy so I think the best plan of action is to sit on the couch and watch movies. It just know come Monday morning I'm going to feel like a million bucks again -- fucking microbes.

then / now