in the city

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7-25-04 // 12.21 pm

local doppler radar

Feeling slightly better today, I can tell I'm on the mend. Right now it's mostly just fatigue, lots of blowing my nose and feeling slightly short of breath. At least I'm not coughing much anymore. So I'm freshly showered, there is laundry in the dryer, I'm sitting here in my bathrobe on another strangely cool, gray morning, and I may eat some tomato soup here in a bit. Corona is sitting across my lap and forearms, however, so it may be a bit until I can move to the kitchen.

I watched a film called "Nil By Mouth" last night on IFC, I didn't like it as much as I thought I would. Perhaps there is a reason I've never seen it before, it seemed like an also-ran from the wake of "Trainspotting" and that associated British film 'renaissance'. Yes, yes, people in 1997 took heroin, even on London council estates. Yes, people are alcoholics and get violent. Mostly it just felt like the whole movie was an excuse for tons of yelling. Yelling does not a movie make. It just overshadowed the actually good parts. Today I will watch "City Of God", which I finally found at Blockbuster. I've been meaning to see it for a million years, I hope I'm not disappointed.

Ah, now I have orange juice. Go vitamin C, go.

then / now