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7-28-04 // 9.43 am

fever taking over

NP: Kenna - "New Sacred Cow"

I was listening to Belle & Sebastian's new "Books" EP earlier. Your Cover's Blown is nuts. In a good way, mind you, but nuts all the same. The first part reminds me, bizarrely, of the Doobie Brothers' Listen To The Music. Perhaps it was intentional, after all I'm A Cuckoo riffs on Thin Lizzy...

I badly needed a shave this morning, but I discovered only after I had already splashed water on my face that I was out of shaving cream. So I raided Erin's bathroom and found a cannister of her shaving gel. Orange swirl scent. So I went ahead and used that. Yes, I could've used the bar of soap already above my sink, but I hate the way regular soap dries my skin out. So yes, now I'm cleanly shaven, although I hope I don't smell too much like a Dreamsicle.

Somehow I am now the lead tester on my project. The old lead tester is moving off to a nother program, I think. I have a handle on this project, I can do the work, it's just that now I'm also responsible for all of the administrative crap I didn't have to worry about before. Also, now the project manager bothers me, not the other guy. I dunno, I'm just slightly apprehensive considering this is my first ever testing assignment. You'd think they'd wait till I had one under my belt before bumping me up to the lead role. But with the way this department has been hemhorraging people the past four months or so, it's amazing there are any people with experience left at all. Hrm.

then / now