in the city

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7-30-04 // 9.51 am


It's a damp, foggy, pissing down rain morning which isn't helping me finally shake the last bits of my cold. I've had to run in and out of it all several times, notably in and out of a Wal-Mart to get shoelaces for the ones that conveniently just broke. I just feel really shitty this morning.

And of course, I come in to work wet and sniffling and have to sit down in this fucking cold lab. I'm accosted by emails from management types telling me to 'update my metrics' and to 'fill out my interim assessment'. Metrics are bullshit. They're helpful I suppose, but they're a bitch to keep. Let's see, I could maintain endless documentation on what I'm meant to be doing, or I could, I dunno, actually do it. Management loves metrics and crap like that because they don't actually have to do any actual project work. But whatever. Today is just not my day.

Whiny and boring, that's my specialty it seems. Whatever.

then / now