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7-31-02 // 10.31 am

need a little time to wake up

NP: Oasis - "(What's the Story) Morning Glory?"

The song Morning Glory might almost make a top 10 list of my all time favorite singles. Live Forever might, also. I mean, Oasis wouldn't even come close to making a top 10 list of my all time favorite artists, but damn have they done some great singles.

It feels like I did a full day's worth of work in the first two hours I've been here, like I should get to go home now since I did so much. I don't think that'll fly with my managers. Oh well, the rest of the day is mostly taken up by meetings (one of them the second this week that takes place at lunchtime), so I'm sure it'll be time to go home before I know it. At least I hope that's the case.

I was really wiped out last night, I'm not sure why. All I know is that from the moment I walked in the door, all I wanted to do was lay about. Got all sleepy much earlier than usual. Though I did head out for a walk around dusk. I dunno, I just felt like legs were telling me to get up and move around, to get outside for a while. If that makes any sense. I would like to get back into a walking routine again. Erin and I are going to join a gym in the near future, actually, which is cool. Before my final semester completely ate up my time and energy, I used to work out every day at college. I actually rather miss it.

Steve is coming into town next weekend, which is great. Jared called the other day while we were out, and of course, I saw Ryan over the weekend. It's been nice seeing/talking to everyone lately...everyone's been so scattered, I often go ages without really getting to sit down (literally or figuratively) with certain people.

Erin made me this little wooden box last night. Well, she didn't make the box itself, that came from a craft shop. But she painted it blue, and then she painstakingly cut pictures and words out of magazines to glue all over the box's surface. The result was one of the sweetest things anyone's ever done for me. I'm not sure yet what I want to use it for. I want to put something special in it...I'll have to think it over. I dunno, I've always thought that the best gifts were those that are heartfelt. It's the little things that matter most sometimes, you know?

I apologize for the overal crappiness and disjointedness of this entry...this is just one of those days where words don't really flow as easily as they sometimes do.

But anyway... Today is a good day. I think it's important to recognize when things are going well, even when there's a lot going on.

then / now