in the city

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8-4-00 // 10.02 am

so we move on, please stay strong

NP: Richard Ashcroft - "Alone with Everybody"

I've had really weird dreams the past couple of nights.

Wednesday night: I'm somewhere that seems like an arena or stadium, but it's in Russia. I'm watching what appears to be some sort of Russian talk show, hosted by an older man in a thick white beard. He introduces something, and then a curtain opens to reveal...U2 playing really anthemic music with really long Alpine-style horns. What's more, they were up on really tall platforms. That's all I remember about that one, but I think it can be partially explained by the fact that before I went to sleep, I saw a clip of U2 on the Tom Synder Show on their first tour of the USA.

Last night, I dreamt that I was in Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati...with the cast of Friends. But not the current frumpy, leathery-skinned cast, it was the actors circa the first or second season. Anyway...I went walking around the concourses, and now with me was some small child. The concourses of the stadium were now a mall, and I was amazed that the stadium could be retrofitted so successfully. The kid stopped to play some video game I've never seen before, and that's all I remember of that segment of the dream. Later, I was in a dimly lit hotel/conference room with a bunch of people around my age. It seemed to be a party, but no-one was having any fun and nothing was going on. Stuff happened, but I don't remember any of it.

Instead of having nice dreams about girls, I dream about rock stars and baseball stadiums.

Two hours and I'm off to Peoria. It's a nice day outside, a good day for driving. I'm not at work, so already things are looking up.

then / now