in the city

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8-14-04 // 8.51 pm

but the cars don't swerve

NP: Marillion - "Marbles"

Well, not right at this moment, but it's what I had on my headphones and on in the car a little while ago.

I am still in a bit of a bad mood. I'm tired and I've had this on/off headache all day long.

I walked around Dogtown a couple of hours ago, which felt good, I took a few pictures, etc. But now I'm just tired and blah. I hate feeling like that. I feel like such a downer all the time.

We are going to see a movie tonight, "Napoleon Dynamite", which I hope is good. The previews make it seem like it's straddling the line between good weird and annoying weird.

Louder than usual hoosiers out in the courtyard bellowing and listening to Eminem and late period Dr. Dre. I keep hearing cell phones with horrible ringtones going off.

So hungry. I dislike eating dinner at 11.30pm. But oh well. Hope the movie is good. Hope that I snap out of this funk.

then / now