in the city

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8-20-02 // 8.25 am

come up with your own damn title

I am in a foul mood this morning. Mostly it is because I am very fatigued and still somewhat sick, and yet because of this fucking deadline I'm at work instead of nestled snugly under the sheets where I belong. I will be so overjoyed when Friday comes and goes, and I'll be able to exist on a more normal schedule again.

Erin is still sick, her illness is offset from mine by like two days or so. I think she feels better today than yesterday, but she's still rather bad. I didn't want to leave her, you know? I feel bad enough as it is about making her sick in the first place. I know that can't be helped when you live with someont, but still... But she assured me she'd just sleep all day anyway, plus I'll give her a call at lunchtime, etc.

I'm fairly certain that "great tasting cherry flavor" NyQuil tastes as bad, if not even worse than the standard issue Green Death flavor. I'm not sure how that works, but yeah. Oh, and whenever I'm sick like this, I'm also eternally grateful for the existance of Affrin. Well, in my case, store-brand Affrin, but works and it lets me breathe while I sleep. Which is always a good thing.

My sister started back at college the other day. Which made me think, this is the first time in years and years and years that August hasn't marked a start back to some school or another. It's a slightly odd feeling, though it's also an enjoyable one. I dunno, I'm just glad to be done with college, I got so burned out on it.

Now I'd better get moving, I have work to do today.


then / now