in the city

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8-21-02 // 2.03 pm

from here to birmingham I got a few friends

NP: Tori Amos - "From the Choirgirl Hotel"

I worked like ten and a half hours yesterday, and after the drive home and picking up dinner, didn't get home until nearly 7 o'clock. Overnight Erin developed a deep, painful cough, and it continued into the morning. So I took her to the doctor this morning where they diagnosed her with bronchitis. So after doing doctor-y things, eating a hospital cafeteria breakfast, and getting prescriptions filled at Walgreens, I was on my way to work. Didn't make it in till like 10.30, but it's not a big deal. One of the big perks of my job is that I basically can't be late. As long as you put in a full work day, it's not terribly important when you come and go. Well, I'm guessing they probably wouldn't let you work a shift from 10pm to 6am, but otherwise... So anyway, got in to work, and was confronted by the issue I left hanging last night when I went home, one I've been battling for ages. Found out that my tech lead had made some progress on what we were stuck on last night when I left. So that left me to finish things up...for a while, it seemed like things were still screwed, like the queries weren't returning the data that was in the database (the data I'd verified by hand about a million times!). But after inserting some debug statements and messing with the input parameters (apparently the just the date isn't good enough for these procedures, noooo, they want the date plus the hour and minute that the data was uploaded), I got everything to work. So now my test plan is finished, I have my expected results, and I have my observed results. All I have to do now is send the thing out for peer review, which basically means I'm done. Well, I have a bit more to do before I'm actually done with every single thing that was my responsibility for this project, but yeah... It's a big weight of my shoulders. I actually smiled a little while ago...and belive me, that's not something I do much at work.

Have I ever written before about the joy of getting your program to compile and/or return the data it's supposed to? I suppose this is a purely geek-centric thing, but if you've ever written a program (or observed a local nerd in action), you may be familiar with the moment of joy that occurs when you see that there aren't any errors, or when you see output that actually matches what it's supposed to spit out.

Anyway, yeah. Sorry about all the work-y talk and geek-outs. I'm done now, I promise. It's just that the past week or so has been extremely busy and taxing at work, and getting this stuff out of the way does wonders for my state of mind.

I've been humming "Ordinary Day" by Vanessa Carlton ever since I got to the office. It's actually a really great song, one of the better singles of the summer, and if you ask me, a superior song to her first single. Perhaps I'm just a sucker for piano, I dunno.

I'm tired. I'm recovering from being sick, plus I've been working a lot and stressed out because of that. I'm dreaming of this weekend, of sleeping forever and just lounging around all day when we finally do wake up. In the more immediate future, I can't wait for this working day to end, I can't wait to head back to Erin, to wrap my arms around her, to make sure she's feeling better. The apartment isn't home...she's home. And that's where I always want to be.

then / now