in the city

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8-23-01 // 8.29 pm

we'll be there in the headlines

NP: Suede - "Sci-Fi Lullabies"

I did not get the job at the student union. The fussy, effeminate guy who interviewed me left a message on my voice mail saying "we've filled all the open positions, but we can keep your application on file in case something opens up." Er, no thanks. I want to work now, not a few weeks before I graduate. So I went back to job services to see what else they had up their sleeves. Well, I went to the office, and after getting a new referral and talking to a guy at Central Receiving...I am now a mailman! Well, a university mailman, but still. I'll sort, I'll deliver the mail to various buildings on campus, I'll mess with packages...the whole nine yards. The hours are even perfect, fitting right into my empty Tuesday & Thursday afternoons. I'm very pleased with the way this has worked out.

I'm trying to think of stuff, but I really have absolutely nothing else going on at the moment. No news is good news. Apparently

then / now